Friday, June 26, 2020

5. கலியின் ராமன் தரிசனம் காண வந்தான் அனுமனும்

சிறுவர்களை ஒன்று -சேர்த்து பஜனை செய்தது

அவர்கள்-மனதில் இறைவன்-உணர்வை தளிர்க்கச்-செய்தது

கோவில்களைத் தேடி அவர்கள் மனமும் சென்றது

மாயம்-போன்ற மாற்றமன்றோ சத்யம் செய்தது 


ஆடும்-வயதில் கோயில்தனை நாடிச்-சென்றனர்

கூட-சத்யம் வந்திடவே அழைத்துச் சென்றனர்

ஓடி ஓடி கோவில்தனைச் சுற்றி வந்தனர்

தனித்த சத்யம் கூட சுற்ற நச்சரித்தனர்


சத்தியமும் தயங்கித்-தயங்கிச் சுற்றிவந்தனன்

வரும்வழியில் அனுமன்-தடுத்துப் பணிந்து-நின்றனன் 

சத்யம்-தனைக் கடவுள்-ராமன் என்று-அழைத்தனன்

கலியினிலே சாயிராமன் பெருமை உரைத்தனன்


அதனைக்-கண்ட சிறுவர்களும் புரிந்து கொண்டனர்

அறியாத வயதினிலே அறிவைக் கொண்டனர்

தெரியாத யாவும்-எதிரில் தெரியக் கண்டனர்

மரியாதை கொண்டு சத்யம் பாதம் பணிந்தனர்

ப்ரேம-வடிவில் பிறந்த-சாயி சரிதம்-கேளுங்கள்

சரிதம்-கேளுங்கள் சரிதம்-கேளுங்கள் புனிதச் சரிதம்-கேளுங்கள்


Story Line

·        After the Nagara Sankeerthan, the children got so engrossed with Sathya and started following his spiritual advises.

·        They have started going to temple regularly

·        They used to go to a hanuman temple where they took Sathya also

·        When His friends go round Hanuman sannadhi, Sathya used to sit aloof. One day, the friends pestered Him to join them in the circumbulation.

·        When he reluctantly commenced the act, a monkey suddenly appeared from nowhere and prostrated before him in the circumbulation path. The monkey said, Oh .. lord Rama, How can you go round me… I am supposed to go round you…. Please don’t subject me to this Abhacharam..

Saying this , it pleaded Sathya. Seeing this, the children not only understood why Sathya was reluctant, they also understood His divinity…

·        How fortunate those children are…?!!!


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On The Sands Of The Chitravathi River ( Ref. His story as told by Himself)

THE month of Magha had commenced. I told the children, "The holy bath taken in the month of Magha is very sacred. However, it is not enough if you simply perform this Maghasnana. You must also undertake circumambulation of a temple." Accordingly Myself and the group of children around Me used to visit the Anjaneya Temple as early as 4 o'clock in the morning.
There used to be a big lake behind the Anjaneya Swami Temple. We used to take our early morning bath in that lake. However, the small children could not get up from bed so early. Hence, I used to lift them up, take them to the lake and bathe them, personally. After taking bath, we would go to the temple. Once, all of us went to the temple. I told the children, "You perform  circumambulation to Anjaneya Swami and come back I will stay here". They went accordingly. However, they discussed among themselves, "Why not Raju also come along with us? He taught us so many things.  Without Him, we cannot undertake any work. Hence He should lead us and we must follow." Having made such a resolve, they came running to Me and said,  "Raju, you must accompany us." I told them, "I will come. But, first you go and finish  your circumambulation and come." However, they were very insistent that I should accompany them. They firmly told Me, "Unless you come, we will not go." I told them "I have pain in My legs." They then said, "We will lift you and carry you physically." Thus, when they pressurized Me so lovingly, I could not say no. I, therefore, started doing circumambulation to the Anjaneya Temple, alongwith them. Believe it or not! A big monkey suddenly appeared from nowhere and stood in front of Me, obstructing My way. The children around Me wondered, "We have never seen such a big monkey in this village. From where did it come?" They tried their best to drive it away; but it did not move.  Who is that monkey? It was Hanuman, the servant of Lord Rama, verily! They did not realise the Truth.  Hanuman himself has come in the form of that monkey and prayed, "Swami! I am the one who has to do circumambulation to you. You should not do it for me."
Accordingly, I informed the children, "Hanuman did not like My circumambulation to him. Hence, I will give it up." From that day onwards, a lot of transformation had taken place in the children. They experienced some divine feelings. While returning home, they informed everybody: "Today, when Raju was performing circumambulation in the Hanuman Temple along with us, a big monkey appeared from nowhere and stood in front of Him, preventing him from doing circumambulation.

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